Sunday, August 11, 2013


I have had a to do list for a year for some things that I wanted to get done or do as a part of being in a new room.  One of the things I really wanted to work on over the past year is my book organization.  My books are already organized by units that I teach or authors but when I moved into my new room, they were in a place that I was not familiar with so in time of need I was still having to go through all my book shelves to find what I needed. 

I saw this idea on pinterest about a year ago and knew it was something that I wanted to do.  It took all summer but it is done!  I also think it helped me familiarize myself with where my books are on the shelves in the new room.  In the process, I also cleaned out duplicates or books that I do not use regularly and donate them to newer teachers for their classroom libraries.

Here are a couple of pictures of the shelves and what they look like upon completion. 

Another item that has been on my to do list all summer is organizing my weekly teaching materials.  I use a dish rack and file folders to organize my teaching for the week.  Thanks pinterest for the idea!  At the end of the year, it became the dumping ground for papers, files, and basically just everything.  I should have taken a before and after picture. 

My files are organized for my first full week of teaching.  I have a folder for each day of the week.  I also keep a folder for to do items, copies, and lamination.  At the front of the basket, I keep clips for my papers and items.  This is my go to when I need something for a lesson.  If it is something else of importance it has another home.  It has helped me organize my prep for each week while getting rid of the ability to throw other things in because there just is not room for extra items.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it so good when you know where to look for whatever item you need? And isn't it so good when you're not burdened with a clutter of papers, which you believe are all important just to throw them away? It's so great to hear that you finally found a way to organize all of your files and books. Congratulations!
    Ruby @ Williams Data Management
