Thursday, September 11, 2014

Punt, Pass or Kick?

College football kicked off almost two weeks ago and the NFL kicked off last weekend.  I love football!  I just love this time of year.  I love the energy and excitement.  The preseason games just are not the same as when the season begins.  The beginning of the school year is similar to game time!  We get summers "off" but in reality our summers are spent in strength and conditioning so we can survive the exhaustion of the first six weeks of school.

While the crowd, myself included, writes off practices, work outs, and training, as I relate those actions to my work in the classroom that is how you win games.  

I love my alma mater, the University of Oklahoma!  Boomer Sooner!  However, I grew up watching Dallas on Sundays.  While OU did sub par in the 90's under John Blake, Dallas was winning Super Bowls.  It was second nature for the team to win.  It would take years of 11-5 seasons to really appreciate the years of glory underneath Aikman, Smith, and Irvin. 

After years of watching Dallas barely make the playoffs to lose in the first round, there is a sad fact about Dallas fans.  We know reality is they are only going to perform so well in the season while we are secretly hoping they might surprise us.  We have grown accustomed to mediocrity even while wishing the team would play above their potential.  As I was watching Dallas last Sunday play in their home opener, I realized the striking similarities between the Dallas Cowboys and Education in Oklahoma.

Tony Romo and Oklahoma Teachers

Everyone on social media wants to blame the mistakes of the organization on the quarter back.  I have been there.  Romo is getting millions of dollars to under perform.  He was probably trending on Twitter during the season opener for his record low career performance.  The question remains does the team's performance rest solely on his shoulders.  Troy Aikman credits the offensive line while he was with the organization as being a reason to his and the team's success.  If that is true, why does Romo or in the case of education in Oklahoma, does the teacher get to be the scape goat for the failure of the system?

The Offensive Line and Oklahoma Legislature

If you are unfamiliar with football, the offensive line is key to a quarterback's success.  They block for the quarterback and make sure that the quarterback goes untouched.  Oklahoma's offensive line for education or the Oklahoma legislature has been more than lousy.  They are elected officials who in most cases know nothing about being in the classroom and yet they are making major decisions that affect the system. 

Questionable Calls and Oklahoma Standards

Every once in a while, there is a call during a game that can change the momentum of the game for better of for worse.  Mary Fallin's decision to resecend Common Core after years of preparation, planning and budgeting feels like a call that will change the rules of the game.  Every now and again there are game calls that affect the rules and the system.  Everyone is waiting to see the long term affects of this questionable call.

The Draft and Teacher Shortage

If the offensive line is an issue in Dallas, then a bigger issue is the draft choices that Jerry Jones and the organization is making.  In Oklahoma, this year school districts across the state started the year with bigger class sizes or with a shortage of people qualified to teach. We have great teacher programs at colleges across the state and yet we are experiencing a huge teacher shortage this year.   The pay across our state, even with an advanced degree and experience, leaves something to be desired.  The teachers in the classroom most definitely are not in it for the paycheck, however, how do you draft the right personnel when draft choices are limited and incentive packages are less than desirable?

Jerry Jones vs. Mary Fallin

A little history about one of the most well known (and mocked) owners of the NFL.  Jerry Jones never played pro football.  His ownership of the franchise stems from the fact that while he always aspired to coach, he bought a team instead.  There in lies a majority of the issues in Dallas.  An owner that wants to be involved to the detriment of the organization.  Jerry Jones is famous for firing Tom Landry, a legend in his own right.  During his tenure with the organization he has brought in legendary coaches such as Jimmy Johnson, Barry Switzer, and Bill Parcels.  The only problem is that he does not let them do their job.  He wants to be involved but yet he does not know what he is doing (in terms of coaching) to do it well.  The man has more money that he knows what to do with and wants to win yet he cannot leave a coach alone long enough to team build and win.

The similarities between him and Fallin are interesting.  I am sure they both want to win, although I am not sure what Mary Fallin wants to win, besides an election.  They both enjoy power and control, it would hard to imagine someone being in either of their positions without enjoyment of those characteristics.  As a Dallas fan, we always hope that maybe someday Jerry Jones will sell the team because in reality that is all we can do.  Oklahoma, however, has a choice.  In November, we can sack Mary Fallin (and all of her friends). 

I do not like losing, who does?   Oklahoma, it kind of feels like we are losing in Education.  We are 49th, well maybe we have moved up one or two spots but that is not anything to be proud of.  My beloved Cowboys are probably on track for another 11-5 season or maybe worse.  So every fan secretly hopes that Jerry Jones will mind his own business long enough for Jason Garrett to be able to coach.  Dallas fans are tired of the coaching carousel, blaming the quarterback, and losing stars to the salary cap. 

I love Oklahoma.  I am proud to be an Okie but our decisions related to education are embarrassing.  I am tired of not having a supportive offensive line (legislature) and am disgusted with the ownership (Fallin).  I love education and I love football.  I wish my Dallas Cowboys could do more with a season than muddle through hoping to make the playoffs because of another team's mistakes and a couple of lucky wins.  I want more than that for Oklahoma education. 

So, Oklahoma, November is your chance to know better and do better.  The quarterback is tired of being continuously sacked and having no protection.

"You did then what you knew how to do, And when you knew better, You did better.” - Maya Angelou

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